Wyld Radiance: Celebrating Five Years of Evolution

I am celebrating the five-year evolution of my coaching practice. Just like all of us, my practice has been on its own journey — a lot of unlearning, learning, experience, awakening, realigning, and rising. In the beginning I primarily coached people individually. I continue to work on mastering my craft of holding intentional space one client at a time. With a few years of vast opportunities to work with people individually, I began feeling the pull for fore group work. So much magic happens in these spaces and I feel very called to it. Needless to say, more groups have continued to unfold over the past two years!

I have recently been dialed in to the foundation of my business, creating structures and systems that better support the growth I've experienced and where I'm headed. I have also gained more clarity on my specific focuses. As this has all crystallized, I am acutely aware it will continue to evolve and shift with me, for the rest of my life. Nothing about my "business" will remain stagnant because it is very much part of me and we are not stagnant.

Heart rocks have always been and will continue to be a piece of my path (please keep sending me photos of your heart rocks!). Words also hold a lot of power. As someone who has been on a journey to open the back of my heart, which energetically translates to receiving, my coaching practice longed for a more aligned name.

For me, "Wyld Radiance" symbolizes something that has been true for me: upon rewylding ourselves with nature, our radiance really starts to shine through. We all have untamed light within us, that can easily slip away after childhood. Often, part of the midlife awakening journey is realizing somewhere along the way our conditioning removed our wyld. When we are able to rewyld ourselves, our radiance begins to appear again.

More specifically, the "wyld" aspect of this name implies something primal and resistant to domestication, while "radiance" suggests brightness, warmth, and outward-emanating energy. Together, they create an image of natural splendor that refuses to be contained or civilized, which is symbolic of what most of us crave at our core.

Wyld Radiance is intended to evoke a raw, natural form of light or energy - something that defies conventional constraints and conditioning. I imagine it as the kind of luminescence you might find in nature at its most spectacular and uncontrolled - like the aurora borealis, sunlight breaking through storm clouds in dramatic rays, bioluminescent waves at night, or a brilliant supernova.

Thank you to those of you who have been here with me from the beginning, and the others who found me somewhere along the way. I'm incredibly grateful for you entrusting me with some of the most vulnerable aspects of your human journey. You have my promise to continue evolving and aligning, as well as practicing intentional self care so I can show up as the strongest version of myself supporting you.

Let's fan the wyld embers of your heart so your soul's radiance can shine.

With love, gratitude & excitement,



Her Wyld Return